Jade Molds

Moldex3D helps us make
Better molds for you

We love it so much that we include Moldex3D for free on all injection molding projects and we start at the RFQ stage.

Moldex3D Engineering Services

When you leverage Moldex3D well it acts like a virtual time machine taking you to your future mold trial.

That is our approach, leverage Moldex3D to it’s fullest capability which helps to mitigate future risk via highly accurate mold flow simulations as well as other key analyses. Moldex3D has assisted our engineering teams countless times in identifying hard to know problem areas very early on, allowing us to fix and remove future problems in the now. Moldex3D paired with experienced engineers delivers better molds than what engineering experience alone can deliver.

Flow Analysis

Mold Filling flow

From a macro view to a micro view, Moldex3d mold flow analysis will deliver you injection mold insights such as: predicting weld lines, 3D fountain flow phenomena, viscosity heating effects inertia phenomena, predict injection pressure and evaluate clamping force. Evaluate the runner layout and type. Optimize gate locations and process settings. Simulate the filling process for multi-cavity molds, and a lot more. Contact Jade today to get a quote on our Moldex3D services.

Cooling Analysis

Mold filling flow with cooling analysis

We all know that temperature plays a vital role in producing a successful injection molded part. Moldex3D cooling analysis we  predict temperature within a part, runner, cooling channels, etc. and evaluate the efficiency of the cooling system design. Which help to minimize unbalanced cooling issues. Moldex3D will determine the required cooling cycle time. Optimize your cooling system design and validate the mold cooling system design. Your mold design from Jade will be fully optimized with the help of Moldex3D.

Moldex3D Injection Molding

Moldex3D is a very powerful technology that analyses your injection mold part design and simulates mold flow to help predict with a high degree of accuracy how your mold parts will develop in that mold. It helps to identify potential problem areas early so you can correct your injection mold design miles before you even consider cutting steel. As with any powerful technology it is not enough just to have it, you need a complete solution in order to leverage the technology to its full potential. Early on we could see just how much this technology could enhance our own mold making capabilities, this led to Jade quickly investing in the infrastructure and talent needed to fully leverage this technology. We run Moldex3D Injection Molding on a 24 CPU global private network that our USA and China based Western Engineers can access from anywhere. Our Moldex3D engineering services are managed/run by our highly skilled and experienced engineering teams (with roots in mold building), who are fully trained in Moldex3D.

Moldex3D Engineering
Mold Filling Flow
Moldex3D is truly like doing first shots on the screen and the process parameters the software calculates are almost always dead on for running a highly optimal process that will match up with your desired production needs. Our measured approach to using Moldex3D on the front end leads to a massive time savings on the back end. As they say, time is money. When we save time, we can make more molds with a greater level of confidence that we will be able to deliver desired results on the first or second trial. This is why we include Moldex3D with all mold builds at no extra cost to you. Once you have built a mold with Jade and have experienced the power of Moldex3D you will never go back to your old ways. Moldex3D, part of the Jade way of mold building in China. Not building a mold with Jade? No Problem. We offer Moldex3D as a stand alone engineering service. Contact us for a quote. For daily insights on injection mold building and how to qualify a China supplier follow us on LinkedInYouTubeFacebook.
Warpage Analysis

Perform warp analysis and simulation on thick parts and parts with extreme thickness changes. Validate part deforming ratio and shrinkage effect. Efficiently and accurately identify the cause of warpage. Evaluate the final part shape before molding. Evaluate unbalanced cooling effect on warpage as well as in-mold constraint effects and more.

A very powerful option that will help you identify problem areas early, adjust your design, and then re-run warpage analysis to confirm design changes are correct. Contact Jade today to get a quote on our Moldex3D.

How can we help you?

Mold Flow
Pack Analysis

Works well even with thick parts or parts with big thickness changes. You can use to investigate material choices, gate designs, and processing conditions. Predict gate freeze times, efficient packing times and packing pressure. 

Predict the requirement of clamping force in the packing stage and optimize process conditions in the packing stage. As well as predict volumetric shrinkage. 


Not building a mold with Jade? No Problem.
We offer Moldex3D as a stand alone engineering service. Contact us for a quote.

Mold Flow
Multi-Component Molding (MCM)

A great feature for simulating how multiple components will react together during the molding process. Insert molds, multi shot sequential molding, and overmolding analysis will all benefit from this analysis and simulation. Visualize plastic flow patterns with inserts. Predict temperature variations and heat transfer between plastic melt and inserts. Detect thermal degradation problems. Structure analyses for product strength prediction.

You can start to see the real power of Moldex3D, it takes anxiety out of the mold build process. Contact Jade today to get a quote on our Moldex3D services.

Mold Flow Analysis
Surface Defect Prediction

This feature is a great example of some of the extremely useful information you will receive from a Jade Moldex3D analysis and simulation report. Within each of the modules described above are detailed and highly valuable information like where surface defects will likely occur and suggestions on how to remedy.

The amount of information generated in a Moldex3D report is remarkable. and in our experience very highly accurate to real world results. You can either pay a little more up front to qualify your part and mold design. Or you can potentially pay a lot on the back end in both time and money.